My Principles

“None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

These are my principles, the foundation of my actions and thinking. I try to uphold these all the time, they are sort of ideals for me in my quest to become who I want to be.
After a whole lot of thinking, reading, actively observing my sorroundings and consuming other media, I came to the conclusion that these are my (mostly personally crafted) principles.

Face Reality
This means that I should face what's happening to me and not run away in any form of escapism

Take Responsibility
Anything that happens to me is my fault and my duty to change if it bothers me

Acknowledge uncertainty & admit failure
As Socrates said "The only thing I know is that I know nothing" We are very limited in our knowledge more generally as human beings but also through our inherent subjectivity, that's why we should always seek better explanations for any phenomena in science and admit our wrong doings on both a professional and personal level.

Action, Reflection
This strongly links to the uncertainty aspect, but we also have to acknowledge that we are inherently faulty and imperfect from our nature, which I do not see as a problem in of itself, but it becomes one if we don't strive to become a better person. This is why we should actively seek out new experiences and learn from the, reflect our words, actions, feeling and adjust according to become better people which in turn leads to a happy life not only for ourselves, but how we can make others happy

Nullius in Verba
A geeky pretentious latin phrase which is the motto of the Royal Society which can be directly translated into "Take no ones word for it" which for me symbolizes actively thinking for yourself and seeking your own explanations and answers to questions instead of adopting them from someone else. Further, it alludes to putting faith in your judgements and be confident in who you are and what you think.

Pursue Passion, Aspire Greatness
We should all seek to become the best in our destined profession, we should follow what we love because this is where life gets hella fun