My Positions:

I hold many positions but I never articulated them properly, so this is work in progress.

My core values:

  • Open-Mindedness
  • Authenticity
  • Self-reliance
  • Transparency

Open-Mindedness is the key to growth and change within every possible realm. We have to accept our limitless ignorance and inherent subjectivity and, thus, stay open to new ideas and opinions of any kind. I noticed this when I attended a gifted program in high school that dealt with phenomenology, the study of conveying one's individual perception. We all have altering views about reality and are thereby subject to our own individual lens. The only logical conclusion I reached is that every point is debatable. Every action has an undermined intention and is, as several studies have shown for prisoners, probably justified in the eye of the beholder. I also learned that good arguments for debates and explanations for scientific phenomena will survive and thrive. However, we are technically always wrong, so we always have to keep the possibility of new arguments and explanations. Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel-price psychologist, put it greatly with his ironic adage " What you see is all there is". He wants to show us with this that our brain is wired to believe that we have all the information necessary to judge the situation, though in reality, this is never the case.

The only way to ensure growth for you as an individual and for the knowledge of humanity is to have an open mind.

Be authentic, be you. Don't hide yourself, show the world who you are. Some may hate, some may follow, you may be hurt, you may be loved. But a life with a thick jungian persona, a fabricated self to please others and conform to society will invariably cause a deep sense of sadness and depression. Be real, not only to yourself but also to other people. Fakeness doesn't lead anywhere. Even if it is necessary to have some kind of mask/persona you should keep it's metaphorical thickness to a bare minimum and stick to who you are as closely as possible. If people dislike you for being yourself, they are not worthy of being your friend and people who like you, will truly do so because they like * you*.

We have to unapologetically be ourselves. Live authentically.

Trust yourself and your judgements, judge for yourself, figure things out yourself and trust your inner voice. I personally love Ralph Waldo Emersons work "Self-reliance", I felt as if he was writing out what I have always been thinking. Avoid the masses, what they think and do, don't be a sheep which walks along but a self-sufficient individual who judges things himself. Believe in yourself for you could move a mountain. Only because popular belief tells you something or someone says that's the way it's done, never believe them. Create your own ways and methods, hold the values and principles you seem fit, not because they're preached by a certain group. Further, don't let anyone dictate you how things are and what's good and bad; experience it yourself for your judgement is what matters.

Make your own judgements, experience the world yourself and listen to your inner voice. Figure things out yourself and create your own values, opinions and most importantly principles.