About Me

Hello My Name Is Thore

I am a 18 year old german high school student

I am very interested and various things and always thought I need to create something -- so here it is, my website. I climbed down the rabbit hole of how individualised web once was with geocities by Yahoo and how everything nowadays is corporate owned and the internet isn't what it used and ought to be etc. etc., so I created my own website.

I love the idea of indie in any genre; indie games, indie hackers.... So why not be part of the indie community, more specifically the indie web! I also love that I don't have to pay for this service because I have horrendous commitment issues. I learned most of this by sadgirl.online, check her out here

If you want challenge my views, criticise the website, or simply chat with me, hit me up on discord: thore#7653 or on my twitter

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