Relationship Principles

5 minute read

BIG DISCLAIMER: I am by no means an expert on this, always remember that I share my thoughts and what I think would work/works for me

My principles for a relationship

I believe a good relationship consists of these 4 aspects:

  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Mutuality
  • Communication

You should be able to fully trust your partner and allow her to do a whole bunch of things. Do not try to control him/her that won't achieve anything

You should be honest with whatever you are saying. Never lie, it won't work out. And if your intentions are pure, you'll be fine

Your and his/her expectations for a relationship should be about equal for everything else will lead to tragedy. If there is a strong imbalance, you will not end up being happy, because one party's expectations will not be met. Further, equal respect and equality in decisions should be established. Do not make it one sided, keep it mutual.

You should communicate everything that worries you, any mismatches in expectations, any worries for mistrusts, anything that bothers you, tell her. But at the same time (and sure a lot of people miss that) you should also actively listen to his/hers worries and feelings. Funnily enough, as a 4 year old I used to tell my grandma "If we disagree, we will talk until we come to an agreement" and this is what I think you should aim for.

-- 10.04.2023 --

You disagree? Great!! Let's have a dialogue , thore#7653 on discord or @02thore on twitter.

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