Ideal Government

8 minute read

Thoughts on an ideal government

How do we run a good state? This question has been tackled since its invention, so let me give my uneducated (but hopefully interesting) opinion on the matter. Thus, I will outline the principles a good democratic state (IMO) should be based on.

I strongly believe that the core of a working democratic state which is from the people for the people ought to operate on one key principle to discard mistrust, corruption, and enable proper voting and thereby decisions making for societies at large;


Both the tax cash flow, the cash flow of politicians, and opinions and world-view should be clearly visible to any member of society. Politicians, in a democratic-run state, are public property and subjugated to the true leader; the people. They are merely the conglomerational representatives of the interests of certain groups within society. In addition, a politician should be seen as a charismatic leader who thinks and acts in the group they're representing interest. A politician's reward is the glory they receive for sacrificing themselves to the group and advancing society without any malicious, self-centered intentions. To ensure there is no mismatch between how a politician portrays themselves and who they actually are and to counter self-interest and corruption, it is necessary to make their cash flow and their votes on any subject matter publicly accessible, so that voters can properly make decisions and to eradicate these malintents retrospectively.

Furthermore, the cash flow of any tax money should also be publicly available to make sure tax money is used as efficiently as possible. In principle, I believe that tax money should be as low as possible but as high as needed for reasonable actions. Efficiency comes before quantity and should always try to be maximized before increasing taxes. Another important point is to fix every loophole to evade taxes and make every member of society pay taxes. Especially businesses and rich people should be paying proper taxes as everyone else, though I believe that we can lower taxes by increasing use-efficiency.

There are 3 keys to not only increasing economic growth but also maximizing knowledge creation and smart-decisions-done, which leads to both societal advancement and an increase in the overall well-being of every member of society.

Free Healthcare

Healthcare should be free because it is a very efficient way to increase health and well-being. Furthermore, the lack of fear of becoming sick combined with proper treatment leads to an increase in worker productivity which leads to economic growth.

Free Education

Education is the pillar of any good society. It helps people to make better voting decisions and establishes equality of opportunity because it diminishes the effects of a 2-sided spiral to either replicated success or failure through heritage. Furthermore, it leads to healthier life choices, which invariably lead to human flourishing and societal advancement. When it comes to what should be taught in school, open-mindedness and critical engagement with both your own and opposing views are crucial to not only properly elect politicians but also to further increase the intelligence of the people which leads to more invention and progress which leads to general betterment. (I will write about further ideas I have about school in further articles, so stay tuned.)

Free Science

The privatization of science needs to stop, science should be publicly available, so that anyone can benefit from it. Science suffers from pay-walls and having access to important studies or textbooks is often exclusive to university students. This is wrong. It is important that science is publicly available for 3 reasons; so that people can further educate themselves in their free time and also to incorporate scientifically proven methods in their daily life to improve their standard of living and well-being. Furthermore, free science can also help an individual in their voting choice. Arguably, this approach could be expanded to other sources of knowledge such as documentaries and books. Independent media companies could receive state funding for creating highly valuable and well researched documentaries and book deals with publishers could be made to make books more accessible. For books, I see an advancement in the library system (through having more digital eBooks and by widening the existing variety of books) and encouragement to use libraries as a great first step.

-- 20.04.2023 --

I wouldn't be me if I wouldn't also point out flaws in my system and criticize it myself, if you have more, please contact me.


  • Human rights violation for politicians (might be a bit extreme)
  • Way too idealistic way of thinking
  • Self-centered ideas about my nature imposed on the entire society.

Further essays